We are a wellness brand dedicated to change peoples lives by education, nutrition, sports and healthful living

Foster a community to change peoples lives by education, nutrition, sports and healthful living

We believe that nutrition is at the heart of everything, it shapes our lifestyle, body, and community

An active lifestyle keep us young and shapes our mind

What do we offer


Small Groups and Personalized consultations with Certified Coaches and Nutrition experts.

Personalized coaching for helping you succeed in your health and athletic journey

VO2max and VLA Max, Fat and Carbohydrate Utilization, Athletic Strengths and Weaknesses 

Two or Three day experiences (More days available upon request)


Wholesome Winning Performance was born in 2014 with the quest of helping others succeed by education and taking actions to help them change their lives.

The choices we make every day could have a significant impact in our future, in our modern age we have diseases that arise from uninformed decisions and lack of proper exercise, unfortunately those affected the most are youngsters from minorities specially in the Latin-American and African American community within and outside of the USA.


Since you have this in front of you means greatly to us and we value your contribution and your commitment for helping us build and educate the world for a better sustainable future.


To educate and give life to a global community of companies, athletes and individuals that believe and promote a wholesome and sustainable lifestyle. 


·      To Inspire others no matter the age to pursue and promote healthy habits like eating well and exercising (specially cycling).

·      To Serve as role models and advocates for our ecosystem through education on the benefits of a plant based diet, exercise and sustainable eco-friendly lifestyle.

·      To Educate on how to achieve personal improvements in life to lead to a healthier lifestyle.


·      Curating a collection of best-in class training strategies, nutrition sources and protocols, and wellness and recovery technologies to help enthusiasts and professional athletes around the world.

·      Provide Corporate/workplace solutions to improve productivity and boost physical health

·      Partner and bring together a team of like-minded Businesses and Individuals that believe and exemplify the power of a wholesome sustainable lifestyle and plant-based diet to improve the quality of life of every being on the planet.

·      Educate and Help younger and less fortunate future generations, especially less privileged Hispanic/African/Asian & American kids to be great in life and help them in their sport

·      Spark interest, engage and educate young ones at schools (10-18years old), on how their choices can greatly affect their health, the planet and their future.

·      Create “Team Houses” across the globe to serve as an education, recovery, nutrition and training center.

·      Ride and Race our bikes creating awareness to the companies/brands that are driving the social changes to establish Sustainable Living and Health

·      Become B-Corporation - Let's build an inclusive and sustainable economy that works for everyone. Communal. Ethical. Honest. Responsible. Sustainable. Purpose-Driven.